small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Damn! She pushed him out at last!! </strong>

Saturday, November 15

Damn! She pushed him out at last!!

My old partner in crime Cassie had her baby at last! Damn, I was getting all worried as a muthafucker and shit. Is he here yet? Is he here yet? But now that the deeds done, lets give much congrats to my girl Cassie and Shane for getting the Job done. And lets all raise our glasses, hands, whatever, and welcome Max into the world!!! Another swingin six to bring havoc to all that he views! And as soon as I get all the details, size, weight, how long the labor lasted, and what drugs the stinkin doctor's gave her for the pain, I'll put it all out. And can I say thank God me and Cassie never hooked up cause if Max had popped out lookin like me, the doc would'a punched him instead of slapping his ass! Love you Cassie and you being a mother is so fuckin cool!! I mean that with all my heart. ?Oh, and my girl Krista should be having her's by the new year, so stay tuned for that! And isn't it amazing how all my old female running buddies seem to be having babies and shit? Lets see, Cassie, Krista, and who do I hang out with now? Oh my god, not Michelle? :)


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