small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Fuck you!!!</strong>

Tuesday, November 4

Fuck you!!!

We pay income taxes, taxes on cars that we own, taxes on property that we own, taxes on money we barrow, we pay taxes on top of fuckin taxes. But, it’s part of our modern culture so what’s a muthafucker to do? But what chaps my ass is that there are almost two hundred ninety million muthafucker’s living in the United States, and you gots to figure that a good majority are paying into the tax system, either on a state or federal level or both. And what do you hear? You hear that it’s not enough, cause as of today we have a national deficit of 6,860,811,140,192.35, which comes to 24,461.03 for each citizen of the US. So we’re told that there’s not enough for roads, health care, proper schools, law enforcement. The poor still get fucked, whilst the rich get richer, the middle class is becoming a thing of the past and people are maxing out their personal debt to make shit work. But up in Washington our fine president still insists that we’re winning the war(s). All we need to do is throw more money at it, cause as you know money fixes everything. But when I read about over in Iraq one of our helicopters getting shot down and sixteen soldiers killed and more wounded and I read that since Bush declared major hostilities over, one hundred and sixty soldiers have died. And when I hear that fat bastard Rumsfeld sayin that “hey, in time of war shit like this happens”, it makes me wonder. Now I’m not stupid, I understand that people die in wars, but I can’t help but think that Bush is maybe somehow fuckin shit up. Ya think? In the beginning he turned on the United Nations and told em to go fuck off, we didn’t need their help or permission. But now that we’re knee deep in the shit he’s sayin let bygones be bygones, how bout helping a brother out? But the United Nations ain’t drinkin his Kool-Aid, cause they told him to go fuck off. Now I don’t know what the answer is, I won’t even hazard a guess. But I really hope for the sake of all of us that when election time rolls around that Bush gets fuckin buried in the cellar. That the American people show him what they think by giving out a huge collective “fuck you bitch”.


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