small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>I want a hot coco</strong>

Friday, November 7

I want a hot coco

I woke up this morning to get ready for work but every time I closed my eyes for what I thought was just seconds, minutes would pass. Then it turned into a couple of hours. So I guess it goes without saying that I never made it into the job. I called in and told em that I was trying but I can’t seem to pull shit together. So here I am nekked at my computer feeling all doped out with an overwhelming urge for a hot coco. I’ve been dealing with this persisting cold thing for the past few weeks and I just had a flu shot the other day, I wonder if that might have something to do with it. You know what would feel better then a hot coco? A nekked warm woman serving it to me and then we’d cuddle in bed till I fell back asleep. Ooh, I’m watching an old episode of Hercules and it has Lucy Lu on it as a slave girl. She could bring me hot coco in bed anytime she wanted. I wonder if Michelle would bring me a hot coco? Ah, I doubt it, her being at work and shit would make that kind of hard. I could call Mito but I should probably throw some clothes on and go get it myself. Dawn’s at home sick today, but hell, she’s clear up in Detroit and shit so that’s out of the question. Fuck it, I’ll get the damn thing myself.


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