small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Daddy! that was fun! Can we do it again!!</strong>

Monday, January 5

Daddy! that was fun! Can we do it again!!

I donno, but I think I gots to go with the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin on this one. I personally don’t see a fuckin thing wrong with what he did. I know I’d feel different if it was just any old joe blow up there dangling his one month old baby in his arm whilst feeding a crocodile. But it was the fuckin Crocodile Hunter doing it, this is a cat that spends every waking hour fuckin with these big muthafucker’s, and you know his daddy did the same thing to him. Nope, don’t see anything wrong with what he did and folks just get out of his fuckin business and stop trying to hold everybody else to their own standards.


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