small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>drunk cheerleader tricks</strong>

Friday, January 16

drunk cheerleader tricks

"Government should not fear faith-based programs. We ought to welcome faith-based programs and we ought to fund faith-based programs." Most dumbass quote from a big fat doody-head, who just happens to be President of the United States.

This bother’s me so much, what ever happened to separation of Church and State? Does this statement fuck with anyone else?

Police were investigating how a high school cheerleader invited to perform at the Hula Bowl College all-star game plunged naked to her death from a ninth-floor hotel balcony. "It just freaked us out," said Sahara Smith, 16, a dancer from St. Petersburg, Florida. "Everyone here is edgy about going on the balcony now."

Well maybe you shouldn’t get drunk off your young ass and run out on the balcony buckassed nekked. I swear, after reading this I couldn’t get that one scene from the first Lethal Weapon movie out’a my head. In the very beginning of the movie this drunk half nekked chick goes out on her balcony and decides she wants to walk on the fuckin railing. Oops, she takes a header ten stories down to the parking lot. Drunken nekked cheerleader’s need to be stayin off of high-rise balconies.


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