small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>just damn</strong>

Tuesday, January 27

just damn

A former member of seventies band Jethro Tull has had a sex-change operation and become a woman called Dee. Once bearded keyboard player David Palmer now has long blonde hair and wears make-up and black leggings. She broke the news to flute playing frontman Ian Anderson by saying: "There's something I need to get off my increasingly ample chest." Anderson stood by his former bandmate, saying: "I found it difficult at first but I fully support his decision." Palmer, 66, a former soldier in the Royal Horse Guards and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, is set to embark on a solo career. She said: "I want to be judged on my musical ability alone, and nothing else." Her desire to change sex had been an "open secret" in the music business for many years, she said, but she did not go ahead with the operation until the death of wife Margaret nine years ago. She said: "I've felt like this since the age of three. It's not just wimps who want to do this. To be a girl, it goes a lot deeper than that. Yes, you are speaking to the person you thought I was - the keyboard player in Jethro Tull."


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