small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>The Grammy's are on?</strong>

Monday, February 9

The Grammy's are on?

The putting it in prospective quote of the week.
“Next time, take out both,” “Not just one — both! Come on!”
Sharon Osbourne talking about the only mistake Janet Jackson made when she bared a breast.

I couldn’t bring myself to watch the Grammy’s last night, but on occasion I did flip to it. I caught Prince doing Purple Rain with that incredible little hump Beyonce. Was I the only one to notice that she would have no problem making Prince her little bitch? Then I tuned back in time to catch The Three White Guy’s and the Black Hip Hopper doing the Beetles tune, and can Dave Matthews play the guitar any gayer? I’m telling you that back in the day when Jimmy Hendrix was growing up and thinking about playing the guitar, it would have never happened. Cause if he had ever caught Dave Matthew’s playing he would have said that was the gayest shit he’d ever seen. And instead of Jimmy Hendrix setting his guitar on fire and humping it, it would have been Jimmy Hendrix setting his Banjo on fire and humping it. And please understand my sincerity when I say that the two members of the White Stripes should be spending most of their free time blowing their studio engineer. That muthafucker makes those bitches sound good, cause they sure suck ass live. I also saw Christina Aguilera sing her song. And oh yeah, I’d tie that ass up in a New York second and plow it like my nuts were painted John Deer green. And just before I went to bed I tuned back in time to catch Yoko Ono. Here, let me do my impression of Yoko singing. Wait, I gots to tie this string around this cats ballsac first………there…..there we go, HEAR IT!!? ..........Wait, let me tug harder so we can get a good scream going on. THERE WE GO, ..........................IT’S THE RIGHT PITCH NOW!! WHAT? DID YOU SAY SOMETHING? HOLD ON, whew, yeah, that’s what the bitch sounds like.


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