small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>sponsered by PETA</strong>

Tuesday, February 24

sponsered by PETA

A report was issued thru the Vatican that was written by "non-Catholic" sex abuse experts who are critical of the policy put out by U.S. Bishops to remove a priest from the ministry if a priest is found to be sexually abusive. The report goes on to say that the policy is overly harsh and wouldn't protect the young. And I quote; "Most agreed that such a policy can actually increase the chances that offenders might strike again because it removes them from supervision and the only jobs they have known for decades".

Well, isn't this special. It goes without saying what I thing about most of your so-called experts and their goddamn opinions. But even though I'm not an expert by any means, I think that a few years in prison being ass monkeys to every lifer and gangbanger in the big house just might break you of wanting to fuck little boys.

And just to keep everything in it's proper perspective, here's another timely quote from our good friends at PETA.

"Anyone who sends cows to slaughter mocks God."


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