small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>What happens when soccer fans drink instead of pullin on a fattie.</strong>

Monday, June 14

What happens when soccer fans drink instead of pullin on a fattie.

About 400 frustrated football fans rampaged in south London, throwing things at police and injuring two officers after England lost to France in their first match at the Euro 2004 championship in Portugal on Sunday. Police said on Monday serious trouble erupted in Croydon near London shortly after the final whistle, while there were other smaller disturbances across the capital as stunned fans, whose team had been ahead til the last moments, vented their frustration on police. "I deplore the level of violence that we have seen in Croydon tonight," Superintendent Nick Jupp said in a statement. Police said 14 people were arrested following the hour-long disturbance there, which saw police vehicles and a tram damaged, and two officers needing hospital treatment for minor injuries.
What happens when soccer fans are allowed to light up and pass the fish & chips.

In Lisbon, police who had been braced for trouble after the match said the night had been quiet with just one fan arrested.
In case you’re lost read the soccer thingie a few posts below.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


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