small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: Don't touch that!

Wednesday, July 21

Don't touch that!

I’ve spoken more then a few times on this site how with older folks getting older and younger folks acting like fools, how certain things are being forgotten. Like don’t be fuckin your cousins, why the word picininny shouldn’t be thrown out in front of certain people or what the word Nigger really means. You know, that word is still one of my pet peeves. I wanna be around when one of the younger hip urban white youth walks up to some older black cat and goes “what’s up my nigger”. I’m just sayin is all. A lot of this is just plain old-fashioned ignorance, ignorance of what shit used to be like and the lack of a proper upbringing. Like what happened in Los Angeles the other day, when some school kids were on a tour of the Getty Museum. The “young” tour guide got on some discussion about textures and shit when to illustrate a point she grabbed a couple of the black kids and rubbed their nappy assed hair to show what a rough texture felt like. Now I imagine she didn’t have a clue as to what she was doing but every black person on the tour went “oh no she didn’t”. Cause most muthafucker’s know that you don’t be rubbing black folks hair and shit. Well, not unless your fuckin em. But that’s another story. But anyway, it kicked up this huge stink and now folk’s are wanting to call Al Sharpton and sue a muthafucker. All I’m sayin is that education should never stop, and I don’t mean your fucking ABC’s. 
Then there’s the seriously dumb bastard who’s been in a wheelchair since the late eighties. He was the end result of a car attempting to outrun a train, and got himself fucked up in the process. So now he makes a habit out of parking his stupid rollin around ass near the train tracks by his home and flipping off every train that comes along. And get this, not because he’s pissed because he’s a stupid muthafucker in a wheelchair due to extreme fuckage by a train. No, he flips off the trains because he hates the sound of the train’s horn. Now the other day Brainiac gets so pissed at this train that he rolls up on the big muthafucker so close that the fuckin train clips his fuckin wheelchair knocking the silly bastard out’a it. He’s now a bent wheelchair bound bruised up stupid bastard who was ticketed for being a pedestrian in violation of traffic signals. The local police also gave him some advice about less dangerous ways to express himself. Yeah, like stayin his silly ass on his front porch where her belongs.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


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