small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>I'm confused, are you confused?</strong>

Thursday, August 12

I'm confused, are you confused?

I don’t have too much to say today, I think because my head’s been hopping into strange places as of late. Part of it is that once again it’s come time to turn inwards and reevaluate my life and see where I stand. I’ve said before that my generation and the generations coming after me lack the “standard”, and I use this term in the loosest form, on which our parents and grandparents were able to judge where they should be in life. The past generations were pretty comfortable in knowing that they should be married by a certain age. Knowing that they were going to have children and raise a family to pass their name into the future. They all had their wilding years and knew when it was time to stand down and get serious about the business of life, and when they got old do the Eskimo thing and move into the coldest part of the house. But with standards changing and the world becoming closer, things have changed. I’m not saying that the family values aren’t there anymore, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s just that the concept of the traditional family has been shuffled around a bit. Some folks are able to adapt to the new changes whilst some fight for things to go back to the way they used to be. People bitch and bemoan the lack of morals or so called Christian values. They want to censor the people around em and make people conform to their ideals and standards. They’re the ones that refuse to understand that no matter what, the days are changing and to accept and deal with the change you have to bend with the blowing wind. These are the same people that cry about going back to the way it used to be, the days of Camelot when you knew clearly whom to hate and fear. When the only good commie was a dead commie and folks of color knew their place and everybody loved and trusted the President without question. Because the people who questioned authority clearly must hate America, why else were they determined to undermine the way things had been done for years and years? What’s wrong with the back of the bus, isn’t it less bumpy back there? And what’s wrong with staying home and keeping the house clean and having a hot meal ready for me when I get home? Isn’t that your place? And let’s call in the duke and kill em all and let god sort em out. We’re America aren’t we? Any war we fight has to be a just and righteous war? Doesn’t it? Well, I think those that still insist on thinking that way is what’s wrong with America today. Family values have changed, and if we don’t question authority and take our chosen leaders to task who will? Who will oversee the oversee’ers if we don’t? This isn’t our parent’s forty acres and the mule just died. This is our world and we have to change and adopt to deal with all that’s good and bad with it. Our world is now, where we buy water in a bottle to drink, where the single act of having sex can kill you like a bullet thru the head. We were in a war that our president declared over. But his definition of over is sure different from mine since ten times as many American soldiers have died during the so-called ended hostilities then in declared combat. Folks who just a few short years ago were performing cunnielingius on camels to make em produce milk are trying their damndest to fuck us over. And even though Joe next door may have all the best ideas on how to fix things, he doesn’t stand a chance becoming president because he doesn’t have millions and millions to spend on advertising. The old saying “you can’t never go back” just got new meaning because change is always about going forward.
"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Satyavati devi dasi said...

I was following along just fine, and then you lost me at the camels.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Greg Beck said...

One year on the Discovery Channel it was demonstrated how folks that depended on camels for milk got them to produce the milk. They showed the herder who was usually a kid, walking up to the back of the female camel and licking the camel’s pussy. This excited the camel, which made it produce milk. Kind’a brings the term eating pussy to a whole new level doesn’t it? At least the poor kid didn’t have to fuck the camel. Then again I’d hate to have to be the one to choose, but I never drink milk anyway.

3:04 PM  
Blogger SmedRock said...

Never mind the camel. :) You need a beer. After enough of those the camel may get uh, attractive?

6:57 AM  
Blogger deborah said...

Bravo and all that Jazz. A chage isa comin ... lets hope and pray.

9:00 AM  

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