small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Jedi bullshit master</strong>

Saturday, September 4

Jedi bullshit master

I snitched this personal observation off of Alexa’s site, “A New York Escorts Confessions”. She dates around for a living and had a hookup with some fat cat contributor to the Republican Party Presidential campaign. Reading it really brings life to the meaning “ talkin bullshit”. But I’ll let you all decide for yourselves.
One Republican was particularly horrid. When I arrived at his hotel room, he started out by showing me his extra special Pioneer cuff links. (The Pioneers are people who have raised at least $100,000 for the Bush-Cheney campaign.) He went on and on about how he had done so much for Bush. If he was trying to impress me, he utterly failed. He then continued by saying that Bush had to win because he is a true God-fearing man. The Democrats simply had to lose because the party was full of God-less people who supported gays and abortion. He was especially upset that Clinton, the amoral adulterer, had left Bush with the whole terrorist mess. The irony of the whole situation seemed to escape him
"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Brent said...

I love the picture. Pigs arrest Pig! And the irony of your post is not lost!

2:32 PM  

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