small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>manly man</strong>

Monday, October 4

manly man

Saturday Corey and Lumpy met me over at my mother’s cause I wanted to take the bike out for a bit. I had dreamt the night before about what I had to do Saturday, and hook or crook, I was determined to get a few things done. So with Corey in front on his Indian and Lumpy on his hooliganized Kawasaki watching my rear, I took off down the street. When I got to the end of the block I successfully made a right turn and proceeded to head up this long hill to the ball diamonds up near the end of the block. Muthafucker and fuck me runnin, I was riding! When I reached the ball diamonds I pulled it over and shut it off. I think it was only then that I remembered to breath. Yeah, I think I drove the entire two blocks without taking a single breath. Lumpy was impressed with how I didn’t pussie around and just took off. I couldn’t tell em that I had gone over this a thousand times in my sleep, but I told em that the hardest part was yet to come; this was the exact spot I made it to many years ago on my father’s bike. Now I had to turn it around and head downhill and negotiate the left-hand curve past ole bike killer, the huge tree that I ran into on my father’s bike when I lost it making that same left turn. After sitting there smoking a couple down, I thumbed the switch and fired her back up. I got turned around in the right direction and this time with Corey and Lumpy riding my six to give me plenty of room, I took off.
first gear….kick her into second gear….remember to breathe…a bit of rear brake to slow down….twenty-five miles an hour and I felt like my lips were gonna peel right off of my fuckin face……don’t use the front brake going into a turn….give it more throttle going thru the turn…push lightly on the left handlebar grip…why the fuck am I leaning!!….wait, I’m supposed to fuckin lean….. a little more gas…she’s starting to wobble a bit!……don’t fight her….let the bike find it’s own line…yes……..yes…back up stright again…what?….oh hell yeah!!!!! Fuck you tree! I made it past your gnarly motorcycle killin ass!
Got up to my mother’s drive and just sat there thinking that there’s one fear I can put behind me. So what did we do? We fuckin did it again and again. When it was all over with and done, I ended up putting almost three miles on the bike. Never got it out of second gear and never made it past thirty, but as far as I was concerned I had a very fuckin successful day.
"and the monkey flipped the switch"


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