small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: otherwise thinking

Friday, March 3

otherwise thinking

Sorry but there will be no edition of “sweatin the small stuff” today. I am busy taking time to decide on a very important decision in my life. And that is whither I will get a cat or not.

As some of you remember I lived with a cat named Cat for almost a dozen years before the four fingered cocksucker left me. And getting another one is not the easiest of decisions to make. But if I get one I will at least give it a proper name this time. So whither male cat or chick cat I’m naming it Bukkake.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Satyavati devi dasi said...

I hate to sound ignorant so we'll just call it innocent... you're gonna have to explain that name to me. And I do want an explanation.

God, do you see what's become of me since we moved to Deliverance?

2:39 PM  
Blogger LL said...

Get the cat. It's not a hard decision. They love you and purr on ya and sometimes lick your head like you are a baby cat. It's great. Get the cat.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Nightmare said...

I had a cat named sid vicious once, he was cool.

9:24 PM  

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