small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: six degrees of Danny Glover

Monday, May 15

six degrees of Danny Glover

Friday after work me and a buddy went across town and picked up the trike kit. After getting it all loaded up we took it over to where I got the bike parked and stuck it my sister’s garage. The woman I brought it from had a couple of ramps so loading it into the back of the pickup was easy but at my sister’s we had to take it out the hard way and with the thing weighing over three hundred pounds, I don’t want to do that too many times. But it was really cool to finally have it in my possession and I can’t wait to get it on the bike.

I wanted to show it to my mother but for Mother’s Day she and all her sisters went to New York to see the Color Purple on Broadway. I just got off the phone with her this morning and she had a fuckin blast. Plus on the flight out it was all six degrees of Danny Glover and shit. He happened to be on the same flight from KC to New York and one of my aunts has to use a wheelchair to move around. So after the flight landed Danny Glover volunteered to wheel my aunt out of the plane and into the airport. That and meeting him had my mother and her sisters dropping their grandma panties all over the concourse. Not that my mother would be with the pantie flinging and shit. I'm just sayin....

The six degrees is the fact that they were going to see the Color Purple on Broadway and Danny starred in the original movie. Saturday me and Michelle went over to my sisters to look at the kit. Whilst there I decided to go ahead and pull off the fenders and the rest of the sheet metal so I can figure out how to get em painted and with the help of Michelle and my sister we got it all done. Afterwards I took Michelle next door to show her the bike and start it up for her. We were joined by my sister who along with Michelle decided they were gonna remove the fairing so I could get it painted too. I actually had to use my outside voice with the both of em to get em to back off the bike. They were all intent on removing the fairing wither I wanted it off or not. Bitches…

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Xavier Onassis said...

I once shared a flight from Denver to L.A. with Slim Pickens. Even shared a bus stop bench with him at LAX.

OK, I know there's nothing cool about that and most people would put that in the same category as knowing how to play the accordion (i.e. keep that shit to yourself), but it's all I got.

That and getting one of those lame-ass backstage passes to a ZZ Top concert. Thanks for ruining THAT for me! And here I thought I was special. Shit.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if u'd have just stayed around front for just a few more minutes...we'da had the damn thing off....
-so says the sister.....

6:37 PM  
Blogger Sapphire said...

Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!....Evermore

12:13 AM  

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