small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: This is one of those times where bigger sure in the fuck isn’t better

Wednesday, November 15

This is one of those times where bigger sure in the fuck isn’t better

Michelle just sent this to me and we’re hoping that it’s photoshopped but the popular vote is that it’s probably not. Which means that the above tattoo has to rank as one of the stupidest tattoos I’ve ever seen and this is coming from a guy that likes tattoos.

The bad thing about a tattoo like that besides it being really dumb is that the hipster lifespan on it might last maybe a year then it gets old and that’s when the serious mocking begins.

Plus to be truthful, the worst thing about tattoos like this is that when Susie McSluttie gets about ten years down the road and gains maybe fifty pounds and she’s sporting the dirty pink spandex shorts with the giant camel-toe.

And some Jethro is nailing her in the ass while hitting her in the head like Clubber Lang beating Rocky Balboa and the bastard kids are in the next room of the double-wide crying, then it might really mean something.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Satyavati devi dasi said...

It doesn't look photoshopped, but it doesn't look like a real tattoo to me either.. my vote's going to have to go with fake body-paint tattoos.

If it IS a real tattoo, the girl involved is more than an idiot and the tattoo artist sucks. It looks like watercolour. OH, and another reason I bet it's not real; it would completely negate the tanning bed and so on. That ink looks like it wouldn't last a week.

I have six tattoos, so I'm not completely talking out my ear here.
And being a nurse, I get to see tattoos that people were never meant to see and plenty of white trash homemade ones on women and men both. I won't make you sick with the details.

3:37 PM  
Blogger LL said...

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6:33 PM  
Blogger Xavier Onassis said...

I think I fucked her.

We cage-danced at Funky Town.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I think it is fake also but would not put it past anyone getting a tat like that. In fact I bet there is someone out there who will see the picture and say, "Damn I have to get me one of those!"

“”And some Jethro is nailing her in the ass while hitting her in the head like Clubber Lang beating Rocky Balboa and the bastard kids are in the next room of the double-wide crying, then it might really mean something.””

That has me laughing my ass off. You have a great way of using words Greg.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Spyder said...

XO- You cage-danced at Funky Town? Would have loved to have seen that!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Xavier Onassis said...

Spyder - Yeah, I did.

More than once, actually.

Not something I like to talk about.

And no, you would NOT have wanted to see it.

It's better in legend than in reality.

Falls under the "seemed like a good idea at the time" category.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Spyder said...

XO- Maybe 5 years or so ago we girls went out & hit Westport. We actually rented a bus! Wasn't there a place there called XO ? I think I remember dancing in a cage there. Don't think I've done anything that wild & crazy for a while. Beginning to think that I'm due. So Funky Town is a good dance place? We could have a dance off. Think Greg,Dan(Gone Mild), or any other that are locals would be game?

12:21 PM  

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