small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Saturday, January 18

I had myself quite the stellar Friday night. It started with getting off of work, which just had me uber hyped like a retard with a snow cone. Headed down to the Cane and hooked up with Mito and started my usual habit of knocking off a pot of coffee. It’s still odd though that the only coffee I drink is theirs, and that’s usually in the early evening. Huh, go figure, well anyway, I was getting all blown up and shit cause it was Friday and the moon was full to boot. And later that night we were all gonna head down to the Pyro Room to see the Burly-Q Girly Crew in action. So later that night downtown I went, I had Michelle and Cassie in tow plus a couple of other folks and as we hit the door out we snatched up Raven who was lookin a bit too lonely sitting at the bar, plus it does a body good to see shit like this every once in a while. The Pyro Room is in the basement of a club called Balanca's. The popular rumor about Balanca's is that it’s a swinger’s club, and to my thinking I can’t think of a better place to hold a rock show. The only thing I have against the place is that it’s stupid with dartboards and other nefarious shit like that. But that’s the old bouncer in me saying that, its bad enough getting muthafucker’s drunk but when you mix that shit with darts and other shit of the same ilk I tend to get gun shy. But when I walked in it was a pleasant surprise to see my old friend Rita behind the bar. Rita was an old Hurricane bartender from back in the day and still hotter then a mofo. So after seeing what shape the bathroom as in we all headed down to the basement. I need to give huge props to Tex, who runs the downstairs, she slid me past her baby faced doorman who wanted to see my ID, which I never carry into bars at all. And as it being colder then a churchwomen staring down a ho in church I sure didn’t want to go back up the block to get it. The downstairs was packed to the gill and I had squeeze myself into a space against the wall behind two fine lookin women who were gracious enough to let me share their space. Plus they were popping the complete sport package in bar attire. One of em even lifted her fine ass up to let me put my jacket down. I knew a lot of the faces in the crowd, which was nice, but with all that was going on the crowd seemed very aloof and too cool for school if you get my drift. Fuck, there I am in the back screaming my ass off, cheering on the girls who were working the stage and some folks had the chutzpa to look annoyed. Fuck em, it was a fucking burlesque show for fucks sake. Women in skimpy clothes wearing tasseled pasties and shit, not a goddamned art showing. All in all I thought it was a very fun show, I just hope the next time they have it it’s in a place where folks could see better. Cassie and Michelle had a blast, which made me happy. And it was very cool getting the chance to let my hair down so to speak and be a tool without regrets. I also got the chance to meet some new faces and see a lot of old faces from day’s past. I need to get some muthafuckin cards made with the website address I can pass out and shit. Peace


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