small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Thursday, May 1

Lets talk amongst ourselves for a while today. Now is it just me or what, but I can’t be the only muthafucker thinking that Bush is crazy as a coon to land a small plane on a fuckin moving aircraft carrier. I bet the Secret Service is shitting all over themselves on how to cover this one. And speaking of Bush, apparently his archenemy Saddam Hussein, has his own Blogspot on the web. I was lucky enough to find it the other night and it gives a great insight into the mind of Saddam, I can’t say how much I recommend it. And what’s with the fuckin worms that survived the space shuttle disaster? How creeped out is that shit? You know what? If this were the 1950’s, those fuckin worms would’a mutated from the space radiation and grown to the size of stinkin horses as they terrorized the Florida countryside eating all the coozes out’a every virgin they come across. And what was with monsters being all horny and shit back in those days? After all the killing and the maiming and general carnage, all the monster’s wanted was a little ass. And the chicks back then were all about giving that ass up, no matter what foggy bog or lab the monster’s lurched, ambled, ran, slithered, crawled out of. And that shit use to piss me the fuck off. Let’s get real, I gots to work for every piece of ass I get and here comes some stinkin monster with a bulging eye ball, and snot oozing out’s his back snatching up some hot blond and off they go without even a by your leave. And do you think the chick’s putting up a fight, hell no! She’s swooning in his arms and shit going “I don’t care, ravish me with your lips”, except that the muthafucker ain’t got no lips. Well, fuck me running! I need to find out where these easy bitches hang out at and go to work. What about me, what about my needs? But then again, do I really wanna play caboose on some chick that’s been A-trained by Okloc and his demony hoard? Decisions, decisions. Peace


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