small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Tuesday, January 21

Another weekend for the books. I’ve already mentioned all the who-do that went on Friday night and Saturday was mostly spent in hangover hell. I was supposed to head out that night to Davy’s Uptown for a benefit and to see some friends play but when I woke up from my nappy nap and looked out the door, it was colder then a muthafucker and the couch looked so inviting. So I ended up hanging out with Cassie in front of the TV all night till o-dark thirty in the shitting morning. Sunday since she was within arms reach I snatched up Michelle and headed over my sister’s house for a bit. She wanted me to look at her computer cause it was fucking up all over her and shit. Whilst there Michelle did get to meet the Widow Beck which was nice. And while speaking of, you cats hear me bandy Michelle and Cassie’s names around quite a bit. I guess its because I love em so much and they’ve both become a large part of my sorry assed life. One lives with me and the other one I spend a huge amount of time with. It used to be that on any given night I’d sit alone in this huge apartment staring at the only light on in the house, which was the TV. But as of late I can’t imagine one of em not being around, and that works for me.


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