small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Thursday, December 5

I’m finally fuckin feeling better, or least better then I was. I guess folks new to my shit have noticed that I use the word fuck a lot. Also shit, cocksucker, fucker, muthafucker confounded, dang, running fuck, fucked up, fucking, goddamn, goddamned, bugger, confound it! Crap! Dadgummit, feh, nuts, fuck you, go fuck a duck, go fuck yourself, go take a flying fuck, fuck off. Crummy decrepit junky shabby shoddy trashy decaying foul putrescent putrid rotten slimy disgusting noxious obnoxious repugnant vile sac balls ballsac awful bad cruel deplorable despicable dreadful horrendous horrible horrid terrible devilish diabolical evil fiendish nefarious perfidious pernicious wicked bollocks bullshit horseshit pussy pussie. And any other rude term I fell so inclined to use. Don’t fuckin sweat it, it’s just me using my right as a tax payin American to express myself in a way I deem proper. What the fuck ever. But I draw the line at cunt, that just ain’t right. Anyway, I got some cool swag for my birthday, Michelle and her boy Rusty got me the complete muthafuckin first season of Buffy on DVD. That’s some cool shit. My sister threw down and got me the original flying Buzz Lightyear action figure. And get this, you turn the shittin thing on and it flies like a winged bitch. And of course Cassie got me the Kurt Angle trash talkin action-wrestling figure. Cool swag huh? Nobody’s popped out the titties yet but the weekends rollin up and shit might still happen. It’s like this, who wants serious shit for your birthday? I’m easy to please and I dig my friends for knowing that. Oh, and I can’t forget that Cassie made me dinner tonight, something called Shepherd Pie? Damn fine tasty meal if I do say so. We’re doing this odd training at work. The best I can describe it is that we’re learning to get in touch with our inner feelings, or how to work together better as a team. I called it tree hugger science, I don’t really understand it but I’m going along, as are all of us. Actually I’m finding it very interesting. It’s like a big head test, except that we’re all talking. It’s all good. Peace


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