small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Wednesday, May 14

Not that I give a good hooty hoo hoo, but it’s just come to my attention that the stinkin albino’s are all pissed to beat the band, I’m sorry, I meant the pigmenttally challenged. With the Matrix Reloaded coming out, folks are going to be all about seeing albino’s fucking shit up. And that’s got the albino community all up in arms. Well, there you have it; albinos are pissed. Somewhere Johnny and Edgar Winter are singing the blues. Somewhere deep in the south, a peck of pink-eyed kids are crawling under the front stoop of their house to cool off and escape the sun’s harmful rays. People should just shut the fuck up don’t you think? If it ain’t the stinking Chinese, it’s the fuckin French, or the goddamn Huns, and lets not forget the Arab’s and the blacks and the fuckin homosexuals. Nobody wants to be the villain, which is so sad I think, cause most times it’s the villain that make or breaks the movie. Plus there have been some pretty famous albino’s whom I bet wouldn’t mind playing a villain. There’s Noah, yup, according to muthafucker’s that are supposed to know this shit, he was a full on albino. As was the Rev. Dr. Spooner, the man responsible for “spoonerisms”. The Jamaican dance hall king “Yellowman” was albino, and then you had ole fucked up Andy Warhol along with the above mentioned Winter brothers. But I guess if you go see the Matrix reloaded and you see a bunch of the pigmenttally challenged walking in circles carrying placards bitching about the movie, please make sure they’re in the shade. Oh, and look concerned. Peace


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