small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Thursday, January 23

Last night was the Hurricane’s Christmas party, but that’s not what’s important right now. Chris Kozy, my gorgeously illustrated pal flew in from Chicago last night to give us a visit. God, tears came to my eye’s it was so good to see her again. All I could do was hug her till she squeaked then I just sat there staring at her taking it all in. She’s digging the life in Chicago and got a new man and all that, so she’s happy and it shows. She’s still popping the long red hair and the tattoos look better then ever. Some folks you never miss whilst some you think of every day. Word. Later that night I’m at home with Cassie and Michelle and we all got interested in this thing I got off of USA Today’s Hot List. Its called My Virtual Model and it this thing where you can put in your weight and other information and poof, this virtual likeness of yourself pops up on the screen. The object is to make it model clothes and other shit but of course that wasn’t the case with us. We had fun fucking over each other’s figure’s, you know, things like giving each other big asses and shit, wait; I already have a big ass! Hey! Anyway, we tried to make midgets but they looked too normal, and you only have two rack sizes to choose from. Luckily for us the new Dave Chappelle show debuted on Comedy Central. After watching it twice I thought the muthafucker was brilliant. I know that type of comedy makes some people uncomfortable and nervous but between who gives a fuck, and you and me, good comedy is supposed to make a muthafucker feel a bit uncomfortable and just a little nervous. Red Foxx, Jimmy Lynch, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy when he still had a set, Sam Kennison, Dick Gregory. These are all comic’s who’s verbality left many feeling unsure and unsafe. So I thought Chappelle nailed it last night and props to em, fuck the cocksnuggler’s that didn’t get it. After that Michelle headed home and I decided to do my taxes online. The IRS in conjunction with H&R Block and other’s is offering folks the chance to do their federal taxes online for free. So I jumped all over that shit. Least to say I got my taxes done and the program works great. But oh my God do taxes suck hugely. It’s like this one year at H&R Block, this chick was figuring up my taxes and she told me I owed the Man some stupid insane amount of money. I just freaked on her, “muthafuck! I’ve always said that the day I owe the Fuckin Man money I was gonna start whacking cocksuckers like the Mob”. Suddenly I looked up cause the chick had her hand on the telephone getting ready to dial 911. “Oh shit I thought, did I say that shit out loud”? Then I looked at her and said, “did I say that out loud”? I must’a had the correct state of shock on my face cause she put the phone down and offered to recheck my figures. Found out she had transposed a number here and there, so the Man owed me instead. Nervous laughter all around. I really need to work on that inner voice shit. Peace


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