small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>a love story</strong>

Monday, January 5

a love story

I’m watching this fucked up movie, it’s called the “Secretary”, and it stars James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. It’s about a young woman (Maggie Gyllenhaal) coming to grips with her sadomasochistic qualities with the help of her mentally fucked up boss. (James Spader). I think it could be one of the new classics. She found she enjoys pain and being under the thrall of another, and she wants him to give her more, plus I think her freaky ass is fallin in love with him. But he’s baulking because he knows that he wants to take it too far. So he fired her as his secretary and told her to hit the bricks, and now she’s freaking out. But she per……….

………..hang on, someone’s at my back door. It was the chick from upstairs; she’s locked out of her apartment and needed to use my phone. But when she walked in and saw what was on the TV she was all like “oh my god! It’s the “Secretary”, what a cool movie”.

Upstairs’ chick’s gone now and like I was sayin the chick hung in there and kept telling James that she loved his fucked up ass. So in fact the movie turned out to be a love story with a fucked up twist. And the moral of the story is that two uber freaks can find each other and fall in love in this modern world. I love happy endings.


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