small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Happy New Year!!</strong>

Wednesday, December 31

Happy New Year!!

Its twelve midnight and I’m sitting inside my apartment in midtown Kansas City, outside it sounds like downtown Baghdad, all I can hear is fireworks and firearms going off. But what does a muthafucker expect living where I live? Earlier I was at the Hurricane with Mito, Sonya, Angela, Cory, and Sara, amongst others, but I wasn’t in the mood to party cause I don’t do holiday’s so well. Plus earlier all the girls were filling up balloons, and every few minutes one would burst from too much mishandling and the sudden noise would shatter my self imposed solitude, so I wasn’t digging it at all. It’s a well kept secret that even though I love loud rock, sudden noises just bend me out’a shape. Michelle dropped in with some friends but she split to make the rounds, and for some reason even though all my friends were around including Mito, I felt so small and alone. So I left all the festivities well before midnight to come home and bring in the New Year in solitude. Whilst flipping thru channels on the TV I come upon the movie “Natural Born Killers” but after a few moments it became clear to me that it was the wrong thing to bring the New Year in with. But then I hit upon the local public channel and they were featuring a bunch of doo-wop bands from the fifties and sixties. It was so cool watching this shit cause certain kinds of music is ageless. Here was a bunch of muthafucker’s thirty to fifty years past their prime, in front of a huge audience of their peers, doing music that most of em recorded in their teens or soon afterwards. And they were rocking with their cocks out. The outfits were tighter and didn’t fit so well, and the dance moves were slower and some of em had passed only to be replaced by sons or whatever, but the soul and feeling was there to be enjoyed by all. It’s hard to imagine some of my favorite contemporary rock artist’s or rapper’s doing their thing, ten or twenty years into the future. But here these cats were, makin time stand still if just for a couple of hours, singing and dancing like it was 1958. At twelve midnight I picked up the phone and called Michelle and wished her a Happy New Year and to tell her I love her. I called Mito to wish her a Happy New Year and to tell her I love her. I called my mother but her old ass was already in bed and she wouldn’t pick up the phone. But I wished her one also. Then I thought what I wanted this New Year to bring me. I don’t want much, maybe buy a house, get my health in order and maybe a bike. But I do wish all my friends everything they want and everything they need. And if God decides to call me home, maybe he’ll hold off long enough to give me the long stroke and get me laid maybe half a dozen times before he does. Yeah, getting laid more/any in the New Year would suit me just fine. But if I don’t, I’ll understand cause I’m just happy to be here. Peace and love to all of you. And to all of you, get yours.


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