small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Cotton comes to Harlem</strong>

Sunday, February 29

Cotton comes to Harlem

One of the best black movies ever made in my opinion was “Cotton comes to Harlem”. It came out in 1970 and starred some of the best and brightest Black talent of its day. I can’t or won’t explain why, but it made a huge impact on me as a youth. It was funny, real, brutal, and played black life in the big city as it was. Watching it always reminds me of my father, who was a city Cop all his life. Him and his other Black law enforcement peers of that era lived by old-school standards. They made their own rules and played it to the bone as they felt fit. Fuck the Man, cause at the end of the day all they had were themselves. Word. Watch it with whiskey straight or on the rocks and recognize. Back in that era there was no police brutally, no Uncle Tom. It was just that if you stepped over the line, you got your ass handed to you, and fuck you for making it hard for the rest of us. I was raised hard to respect that shit and I always will. To be the Man, you gots to beat the Man, and to beat the Man, you have to understand the Man. Recognize


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