small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Ghetto omelet's can be both fun and safe!</strong>

Monday, January 12

Ghetto omelet's can be both fun and safe!

So this morning I decided that to forgo my regular bus stop and walk a half-mile to another one. If I do this every morning something should change, and for the better I hope. Either that or I’ll break this muthafucker and be done with it.

Kansas City is in mourning today because it’s beloved football team got their punk card handed to em on Sunday during the first round of the playoffs. The way folks are acting you’d think the fuckin Pope lived here in town and had just died and shit. Goddamn, get a grip, it’s football for fucks sake, not muthafucker’s trying to cure cancer.

This was a slow weekend for me, except for going out to find food I never got dressed this weekend. Just slopped around in my Mac-Daddy robe switchin between the computer and the TV for two days. Saturday morning I really wanted breakfast but was too lazy to go out and get something, so after lookin in the fridge I decided to make a ghetto omelet. Which consists of whatever you happen to have layin about in the fridge. I found four eggs, half a box of microwaveable sausage, some cheese slices, and three hash brown patties. Heat up the sausage in a skillet, brown the hash brown patties, and then throw all this shit together in one skillet with the eggs. Presto, one ghetto omelet at your service. Eating one of these is akin to Russian roulette, cause one of these days my luck is gonna run out and it’s gonna be me and Monsieur Le Crapper spending a lot of time together.

The other night I was talkin about how every so often on HBO you’ll find an unknown jewel of a movie? Like “Gristle”, or “The Secretary”, which turned out to be one of Mito’s “favorite” films. Saturday night I found myself watchin “Welcome to Collinwood”, which was directed by George Clooney. This movie had me peein myself, it was so funny. Watching it also convinced me that William H. Macy is one of the most talented actors living. I also saw the “Suitcase”, staring Tim Allen and Johnny Knoxville, along with a bunch of other muthafucker’s I can’t name. It was pissingly funny also. Then last night me and Michelle caught the last half of “Moulin Rouge” did I spell that right? Anyway, I’d never seen it all the way thru before and it sucked because she died in the end. Dammit.


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