small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>if God was one of us?</strong>

Monday, January 26

if God was one of us?

I took time out this weekend to rent a couple of movies; one was the film “Bruce Almighty” featuring Jim Carey, Morgan Freeman, and that chick from Friends. It was ok, I’m glad to see Jim getting back to doing what he does best, which is comedy. Cause in my opinion he sucks hind tit at anything else he tries. Now as a person who talks to god all the time, I dug the premise behind the movie. Which is God taking a vacation and handing the keys to the shop over to some Joe off the street. And for some reason it reminded me of that one X-Files episode where these cats have kidnapped a Genie and they’re such dipshits that they keep fuckin up their three wishes, and all of em end up dead. And somehow Moulder ends up tricking the Genie and getting one of the wishes for himself. But because he knows how shit can go wrong he spends a huge amount of time and resources to make sure his wish is worded just right, so as not to have it all fuck up on him and shit. But in the end he decides to use his wish to set the Genie free and give her the gift of mortality, which was actually very cool of him. Hmmm, go figure.

I also rented Underworld, which was kind’a cool in that it dealt with the idea of war between werewolves and fuckin vampires. Which ain’t nothing new, cause that’s a premise that’s been explored ever since there were werewolves and vampires. It featured a bunch of muthafucker’s I’ve never heard of except for one of the werewolves whom I’d seen before as one of the bad guys in a movie staring Bruce Willis. You know the one where he’s a cabby in the far future and he saves the earth from total destruction?
And just to be askin, do you think that’s an ego thing with actors when they star as earth’s savior? Cause it seems to me that when you have an actor put himself or herself in the role of God or the ultimate savior it seems like an extreme form of self-jackulation to me. And even though I’m not of a religious bent, I can’t help but think that God, or Buddha, or Allah or even Krishna would get pissed because some asshole mortal tried to steal their thunder. Or maybe it’s like I’m always sayin, maybe God and his ilk have enough on their plates that shit like that doesn’t even hit their radar. You know back thousands of years ago; warrior’s had a different god for every day of the week. Well maybe not gods per say, but minor deities for every occasion that came up, like Catholics and their hoard of saints. But they always kept their main gods close to heart, except that they very rarely called on them for help and shit. See, back then it was common knowledge that if you called upon your gods too much, he or she might take notice of the little pissant mortal whose constantly calling out their name. And when that happened, it usually meant a world of hurt.
And on this I’m gonna stop cause I think that this is one of those things that make sense only to me?


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