small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Busy assed week and it's only fuckin Tuesday? </strong>

Tuesday, May 25

Busy assed week and it's only fuckin Tuesday?

What a fuckin week, with all the bad weather across the four state area I’ve been busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor. I fuckin hate tornadoes like a muthafucker, not only do they fuck up people’s homes and property and shit, but I have to work harder. But what can I say? That’s the gig I’m in. Did any of you watch HBO’s Deadwood Sunday night, or the encore Monday? I fuckin love that show. This episode I think they broke the world record for using the word “cocksucker” in a single show. If you swing over to Jeff Kay's West Virginia Surf Report, he keeps a running tally on how many times the word “fuck” is uttered during each episode. Go here and check it out. I would’a fit in great as a conversationalist in ole Deadwood, what with how I enjoy abusing the King’s English and shit. Hey, speaking of shit, Blogger has this new thing called Bloggerbot. It’s a thing that let’s a muthafucker put up pictures from a scanner or a hard-drive on their blog site. Before I had to either fuck-up my way thru Front-Page or have some kind soul with skills throw my shit up on the net, then tell me where it’s sitting so I can grab it and post it to my site. That is if I wanted to do my own pictures and shit. But with Bloggerbot, I can post any fuckin pictures I want, so it goes without sayin that I got shit to show off. That is if I wanted too. Cause if the truth be known the majority of my pictures are of the scantly clothed kind. Chicks in bikinis and shit if you insist. But I might put up pictures of things I’ve talked about in the past, like my old house, or my cat. I might even put up a clear picture of me so that you muthafucker’s who want to know what I look like can get a good look see and shit. A muthafucker never knows.
"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Bryan said...

"That's the first time I heard cocksucker come out of that room and not see Al on the balcony telling you to 'take care' something..."

What a great show that is!!! Like first season Soprano's or The Shield. God Bless HBO and the retuen of the western. And what the hell is up with the Reverend?? Poor bastard.

1:19 PM  

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