small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Sunday, December 22

Get Christmas the fuck over with and I’ll be a happy camper. I sometimes find this time of the year very depressing. Not slit my wrists and bleed in the bathtub depressing but I get very moody nevertheless. If the people I love could be happy then that might help, but what the fuck. But that’s another thing altogether. And I did get to see the distinct variations of the pile-driver position demonstrated for me this weekend, that fuckin rocked. And I got to see the same person show me how limber she was, that was also interesting. My friends do love me. I have what I think are the most diverse group of friends, and they work hard sometimes to put a smile on my face. God loves em for it, and the shit they put up to be my friends. Cause a muthafucker knows I can be a cantankerous old bastard most of the time. But they let me be myself and when I want to play they give me room without fear of breakage. And when I get too out of hand they always seem to know when it’s the right time to pull my cord and bring me back down to earth. I envy each and every one of em and want nothing but the best for each and every one. I could sit here and name names, but because of what they are, they know who they are. And without getting all Paul Harvey on your asses, just knowing em and loving em for who they are is Christmas enough for me. And by the way, I saw that Lords of the ring shit this weekend. I dig it and the hype fits, but that’s a long muthafuckin movie. I’ve never seen shit where grown were running to the restrooms dragging little Johnnie behind em so as to get back as quick as they can. The one cat all macked out in his Sunday to go best who had a kid tucked under each arm trying to make it to the john in time was just some fucked up shit to see. Go have yourselves a happy one. Peace


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