small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>no title needed</strong>

Sunday, November 23

no title needed

Well I’m still bored and it’s still colder then an old church woman staring down a ho, so I guess I’ll write a bit. Here in midtown one of our local music magazines just came out with its latest issue. The magazine’s called Dandercroft, you’ve heard me make mention of it before I’m sure. But I had a couple of articles in it so that makes it extra special, cause its so cool to see something you wrote in print. I took it to work last week to show some of my coworker’s and even though the general reaction was good I caught a great deal of verbal abuse over my language. I was told by more then a few people that I must curse so much because I can’t think of anything better to say. My reply was maybe I like using foul language; maybe I enjoy the way it rolls off my tongue. Then last night at the Hurricane I was sharing this story with some of my friends and a couple of em took me to task over the same thing. Well, this is America, everyone’s free to express their opinions, and I refuse to slight anyone for what they think. But you know what? Fuck em. And that’s all I gots to say about that.


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