small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>FRIdaY. DoN't PeOple Who WrITe LIkE THIs PIsS YOu ofF. </strong>

Friday, February 13

FRIdaY. DoN't PeOple Who WrITe LIkE THIs PIsS YOu ofF.

I got something going on with me because lately I’ve been feeling like something the fuckin dog coughed up. Not bad enough to take off for but bad enough to be irritating. Plus I’ve been a bit on the bitchy side cause I haven’t been able to take my early morning walks as of late. It’s been all snowy and icy and shit, and I refuse to walk in that crap. There’s not much I fear, but along with a fear of zippers and zombies, I have a fear of falling on the ice and not being found for days because I broke both my legs and shit and couldn’t make it to get help. Plus there’s that whole fat man falling visual that I can’t handle, cause unless your last name is Lee or Chan, you’re gonna look like a fool. And don’t ask me about the zipper thing, but I will say Something about Mary. The other night I was at the Hurricane chatting up some friends when I mentioned to Mito that I’d written about that word that rhymes with punt. Standing next to me were Brock and Lumpy from the punk band Circle of Trust who overheard what we were discussing. Being the crude rat bastards that they are, until they left they insisted on using the word that rhymes with punt in every conceivable way possible. So I definitely got my fill of the C-word that night. For the past few weeks Mito’s been bringing a crock-pot to work with her and serving up whatever’s handy for the regulars. Everybody’s been chipping in so I decided yesterday was gonna be my turn. So I fried up a bunch of chicken and took it down for everybody to munch on. I think they enjoyed it. I changed my recipe a bit and as of late I’ve been adding cayenne pepper to the mix, which brightens up the flavor quite a bit. So for those of you using my recipe, which can be found in my links section, try substituting cayenne pepper for the Old Bay seasoning and see what you think.


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