small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>Maybe it's just the day I'm having, but this made me smile. the terror of it all</strong>

Tuesday, March 9

Maybe it's just the day I'm having, but this made me smile. the terror of it all

BBC News
Birdwatchers from all over Britain who gathered in Grimsby to catch sight of a rare American robin were horrified to see her eaten by a passing sparrowhawk.
They were still setting up their cameras when the predator swooped down from a row of drab factories and warehouses on an industrial estate.

The young bird, from the southern US, "didn't really live to enjoy her moment of fame," a twitcher told the Guardian.

The robin's vivid red breast made her an obvious candidate for a lunch date.

"It was a terrible moment," Graham Appleton, of the British Trust for Ornithology, which had spread news of the bird's arrival, told the newspaper.


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