small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: from the archives......Asian chick fu

Tuesday, April 25

from the archives......Asian chick fu

Monday after work Michelle and I got together to do our laundry and whilst shit was washing we walked outside and sat on the bench to talk. So as we’re sitting there talking we spotted this very attractive Asian chick walking down the street toward us. I mentioned to Michelle that I'd seen the chick earlier cause I passed her whilst driving on my way to the laundry mat.

I, along with every other cat in a car was paying attention because she had on these really short shorts that showed off a set of killer legs. Is that a common thing with Asian chicks? I mean the nice legs and all. It was just last week that I was sitting on the same bench and this SUV pulled up and this Asian chick, or is should I call em Asian American chicks?

Whatever, anyway this Asian chick hopped out sporting the short shorts and a pair of come fuck me at midnight high heels. She stood there and did this body builder leg shake and I watched as what was a nice set of legs turned into a killer set of legs that I could only imagine being wrapped around me. Well maybe my fuckin head or arm, cause that’ll be quite the fuckin stretch for the little missy to wrap her legs around any other part of me.

But I’m just sayin is all, cause it was all like damn! I needs to get me some of that, which is neither here nor there so back to the original reason for the story. So we’re talking and watching the little Asian chick walk toward us and suddenly I became speechless cause I noticed that under her t-shirt I could make out the huge posts she had poking through both her small nipples. Michelle and I both watched as she walked past and I mentioned to Michelle the fact that weren’t those posts bigger then her tits? She agreed with me that yes, the post thru the nipples were almost bigger then her tits. A very hot combination if I must say so. Nasty little spank.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger LL said...

You like Asians and piercings?


12:32 PM  
Blogger Greg Beck said...

I like a lot of things along with Asians, peircings, breasts and so on and so on and so on. so Hmmmmmmm back.

12:37 PM  

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