small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Friday, January 31

Fuck it, if the world’s gonna blow up I might as well keep on writing. After years of going to H&R Block to have my taxes done I finally did em online the other night. Believe it or not the stinking government is offering everyone that can get online the chance to do his or her federal taxes for free. Simply go to IRS.GOV and lo and behold you’ll see what to do. If I can follow the instructions and do it, I know you muthafucker’s can ace it. It’s very easy and the program takes you thru your taxes step by step. It’s just like sitting in front of a tax preparer and answering their questions. You can, if you’re lucky enough to get one, set yourself up to get your refund direct deposited into your account. Remember, federal taxes are completely free, but I was charged a $7.95 fee for my state taxes. Again, it’s free and you get your refund in less then ten day’s, I fuckin highly recommend it. Since I was online and dealing with number’s I decided to run a credit report on myself. Very sobering is all I can say, I read it one way and I’m in good shape, I read it the other way and even a hearty reach-around won’t help. Something’s fucked up is all I gots to say. But either way I wanna get a house, so I need to get my shit in order. Maybe this time I’ll get a house not so stinkin big as the first one and not decide to pretend I’m Norm from This Old House, and leave shit alone. Peace


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