small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Wednesday, January 29

I need to give mofolicious props to Chad for going to all the trouble. He designed up some very hip cards that I can pass out to the stinking masses, so as they can get to the website without my drunken ass trying to scribble on a barnap. And here’s something to do the next time you decide to take a day off from work. I had today off so what I did was wake up at my usual O-dark thirty time and go through my getting ready for work routine. Which is wake up at five AM, check my mail and look at porn whilst listening to the news on the TV. Then I shower and lie back down for a half hour, then get dressed and hit the door to work. But this morning when I laid down, I just went on back to sleep. It was like sayin “fuck the Man” without actually sayin “fuck the Man”. As if that made any kind of fuckin sense to you, but it was fun and I slept like a baby till almost noon. Remember, when its all said and done, it’s the small things that make a cat happy. Also I've added an E-Mail link that might even work this fuckin time! So if it indeed works, and you want to say howdy or other such shit, just drop me a line. Or as the kids would say. Give a muthafucker a shout out! Yo,


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