small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Friday, January 24

Remember last fall here in town when there was this growing issue concerning the problem of plagiarism amongst the high school crowd? One teacher caught half her class doing that shit and! she flunked their stinkin asses. But the local school board over ruled her and reinstated the little cocksucker’s grades. In protest she told em lick her ass and she quit the gig. Now with it being a true fact that a good teacher is all that stands between Muffy getting far in life or buffshinin some cat’s cock for a livin, I’ll stand with the teachers any day. But then again most muthafuckers ain’t got an original thought in their fuckin heads anyway. It’s like watching a fuckin herd of stinkin sheep. If one goes right they all go to the right. If one starts lickin another sheep’s balls, soon enough all the furry fuckers are tonguing wooly nutsacs. Bahhing little bitches. It makes me sick to my gut to see shit like that. But if you look towards the end of the field there’s always a lone sheep hanging by him or herself. Just watching the ball lickin antics of the others and absently wondering what’s over the next hill, not to be satisfied with lickin nuts or runnin around i! n circles like all the others. That’s right little sheep; break out on your own! Run, fly like the northern wind. Go where your little wooly heart takes you. Don’t bow down to the stinkin fuckin masses. That’s your coat. You keep it! Knockdown that guy coming at you with the shears and put it in his ass like the big sheep you are, that’s right baby! Bah! Bah! Bah! Be the man that stands up to the man! Peace


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