small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table

Monday, May 26

She’s a stripper, she’s a super heroine, she’s Pamela Anderson, and she’s a fuckin cartoon? Fuck me running. If I wanna watch sexy cartoon’s I’ll rent Le Blue Girls thank you very much, or hell, I might even go rent me the live movie, even though I’ll never get over that Japanese thing of pixilating the pubes. But it’s not their fault, the Japanese I mean, blame it on the stinking Bomb. Before WWII the Japanese kept mostly to themselves and stayed busy enhancing their culture and shit. You know, Bonsai plants and rock gardens and warrior poetry and the like. The women bound their feet and Concubines was a respected profession. Then they got uppity and went off and started a war and got the Bomb dropped on their asses and shit. Then shit went south, it must have been the radiation that did it cause the Japanese went all freak and shit. The list is endless, Godzilla, bondage, bukkake, Mothra, Extreme Sports, that fuckin fiddle player down in Branson Missouri, and let us not forget the horror that is Karaoke, the list goes on and on. But look around your house or workplace, who’s to say they didn’t win?
I was cleaning off my desk the other day and I found this incense that Cassie left behind, it’s called Tara Healing Incense from Tibet, can’t describe the smell but after lighting some up I found it to be very soothing. (I know some of you hate it when I change subjects like this, but what you gonna do?) My holiday weekend sucked; sometimes I feel the need to get a life. It’s that all dressed up and nowhere to go vibe, if you feel what I’m sayin. If it wasn’t for my pal Michelle I’d be up shit creek, but I can’t monopolize all her time. It just seems that it’s either work or the Hurricane, and that’s all I enjoy. Well, there’s writing, the Internet, the TV, Michelle, my family, but you know what I mean.
Saturday night I hung out with Tammi and Rebecca, and that made for a pleasant evening. And I did get out of the house today to go see a movie, went down to the Plaza to see that Matrix Reloaded. Hey, you ever gone down there and seen the cat that takes tickets on a regular basis? He’s the handicapped cat that’s been there for years? Well today after he took my ticket I moved over to grab myself a popcorn and hotdog, I heard this commotion and saw two old ladies giving him a ration of shit. It looked they were trying to bum-rush their way past him but he wasn’t having none of their shit. Me and the kid behind the counter watched as he came up off his stool and laid some serious handicapped verbage on their old asses, ran em off he did, cool shit. Never underestimate the handicapped workforce
Hey, Willie Nelson and Friends is on, no clue why she’s on there but did you know that Whoopee Goldberg has no fuckin eyebrows? What an odd lookin bitch. Anyway, I ended leaving Matrix Reloaded halfway through it; it was just fuckin gay I tell you. How’s a muthafucker gonna fight a hundred other muthafucker’s and nobody draws blood? And don’t give me that shit that it’s the Matrix, I ain’t buyin it. I’ll wait till it comes out on DVD and I’ll give it another look, until then fuck it, it bored me. Shit, the coolest thing about the fuckin movie was running into my old friend Bob Walkenhorst and his family before I went in. You all might remember Bob from his stellar band the Rainmakers. I knew him and the band from way back in the day when they were still known as Steve, Bob & Rich. And his lovely wife Michelle and I were good friends back in the day also. Did you know that the Rainmaker’s were gigging in Berlin when the wall fell? Right there front and center when history happened, I remember just after they got back they came into Big Dudes and told me all about it, very cool. Well I could go on for a while longer but who wants to hear me talk? Peace


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