small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: <strong>famous don't make you better, just better lookin</strong>

Wednesday, November 26

famous don't make you better, just better lookin

Whatever quote of the week; “He has been a superstar since he was five years old. I mean, what concept does he have of what society thinks is right?"
Gay? dancer Wade Robson of MTV fame, who shared Mikey’s bed many a time as a youngster, but has said for the record, “hey, nothing happened”.

I’ll be the first to readily admit that my grasp on reality ain’t always at it’s firmest, but it’s never wavered to the point where I declare myself a demigod and lose the concept of what’s right and wrong. Well, unless you count the times I’m home alone doing the nekked butt dance whilst young Miss Spears is on the TV. But that’s not what’s important now. I wanna talk about other people and their lack of such. Michael Jackson is a perfect example, what so called law abiding person in this modern day and age doesn’t know the effect of fuckin with someone’s kids. I know that if I walk up to the high school cheerleader practice and start gaping at em working out, I’m likely to attract the wrong attention. If I walk up to some stranger and offer em a hundred bucks to baby-sit their cute kids for a couple of nights I’m sure I’m getting my ass thrown into jail. It’s shit like that that’s pretty clear cut these days. But be one of the rich and famous and shit like that doesn’t seem to apply. Rich and famous means instead of being called a drooly freak, you’re called eccentric. Years back Pee Wee Herman was the media darling because of Pee Wee’s Playhouse and the movies that followed. But then his ass got busted rubbing one off in a movie house. Well, maybe that’s the wrong analogy, hell; I’ve done that back in the day, cause like damn, if you see a cat sitting down in an adult movie house with his “jacket” over his lap, you can bet it’s not because his ass is cold.
Roseanne Barr’s fat ass claims to have sixteen separate personalities, so as a result she has to be told shit sixteen times so as to be sure the real fat ass Roseanne gets it. And we know, we know, that if she wasn’t a famous personality, someone would’a kicked in her teeth sayin “here bitch, make sure the real Roseanne gets this”. Which brings me to this point, is it money that makes a muthafucker lose grasp of what’s real, or is it that people buy into their bullshit, thus they begin to believe in their own bullshit themselves? Like rockstar’s for instance, no rockstar or rapper started out rich and famous, but sure as shit for some of em, as soon as the fame and money started flowing in, the insaneo button got pushed. The same goes for sport celebrities, most of em are playing a kids game for fucks sake, but because of the money and the constant ass kissing they get from fans, their sense of reality goes tripping out the fuckin door. Year’s ago I had a friend who made it big as an underwear model. And one day I happened to pass her on the sidewalk and she gave me the total ignore. I picked up a handful of mud and slung it at her. “Bitch, you model fuckin panties for Christ’s sake, where do you get off ignoring me”? Or at the Hurricane during pro football try-outs, a couple of cats walked in that were trying out to make the Chief’s squad. They ended up getting kicked out and one of em said “hey. I make too much money to be getting kicked out of here”. Yeah bitch, tell that shit to someone who gives a fuck, not to a doorman who hasn’t slept in twenty hours cause he’s working two jobs and going to school. He’s more then happy to show you how much of a fuck he doesn’t care about who you are. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we’re all the same. We all have smelly socks and our shit stinks. We all have the same fears and loves, and we’re all scared shitless at one time or nother. And we all live under the same bylaws and rules. Having money or famous shouldn’t make it any different. It’s just a goddamn muthafuckin shame when it does. Fuck those that expect it, and fuck those in the ass that let em.


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