small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: improvisational rock?

Monday, July 19

improvisational rock?

Saturday night I went to the Hurricane to hear some live music. I’m sitting there when it hit me how over it I was with moody rock. Maybe once again I’m falling out of touch with shit, but bands whose idea of rocking out consists of looking at their fucking feet and wearing the same clothes that they changed the fucking car oil in isn’t fun. I really try to keep an open mind when it comes to music, but how can a group of guys get together to form a band. Work up songs and go, “yeah baby, we’re too cool for school, we rock”, and come up with the shit they do? And it’s not even a matter of musicianship cause the muthafucker’s are all good players. But it’s like a fat chick hitting the town wearing cornrows and spandex thinking she’s the shit. Whilst everyone else is backing away going “damn”. Well maybe that’s the wrong analogy but what’s wrong with playing to the crowd? You can have the fashionably dirty hair and shit, but at least act like there’s people in the fuckin house besides you and your band mates. “No man, that’s not our style. If we play to the crowd it takes away our hunger. The truth is that we’re too hip for most people to understand our music. And we all agreed that smiling or looking like we’re having fun just isn’t cool anymore”.  Maybe if they changed what they call the shit I wouldn’t be so harsh. Cause as I’m sitting there it also hit me that what I’m hearing reminded me of improvisational jazz. Which I don’t dig either but understands. And it’s the same shit. Muthafucker’s playing odd tones and scales and looking at their feet or gots their backs turned to the audience, but dressed better. And the fucking audience drinking clear drinks and snapping their fingers at the end of each piece even though it’s over their heads, but because it’s the cool thing to do. 
 "and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Rusty said...

If you can't have fun listening to music or playing it, then you have a serious problem......That's my opinion.

12:54 PM  

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