small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: scat is a 4 letter word

Tuesday, June 20

scat is a 4 letter word

Does anyone else hate the Charmin Bears as fuckin much as I do? Or wait, is it that I hate em or is it the fact that they freak me out so much? I mean goddamn it’s not like I don’t understand the fuckin concept they’re trying to convey and shit.

Charmin Toilet Paper and where does a bear shit in the woods, anywhere he wants. But dancing and singing bears using toilet paper ain’t natural. And this fetish they all share where they insist on shitting right next to each other right out in the open? What the fuck is that about?

I think I can say with the utmost certainty that no one reading this has ever wanted to see their mom or pop wiping their asses after taking a shit. Plus it’s no big secret how I feel about fuckin bears anyhow. Big furry fangy scatting bastards.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Blogger Satyavati devi dasi said...

The part I find freakish is how much they all seem to be enjoying themselves.

Honestly, I've never seen anyone do a post-poop-and-wipe happy dance before.

It's just a little weird

9:40 AM  
Blogger ajw308 said...

One mornign a big old bear is taking a dump by a tree. Next thing he knows a squirrel scatters down the tree and joins him. As they are both their, straining and grunting, the bear turns to the squirrel and asks "Do you ever have any problems with crap sticking to your furr?"

"Nope" answers the squirrel with a smile.

"You sure?" the bear says, incredulously.

"Never been a problem" confirms the squirrel.

So the bear grabbed the squirrel and wiped his ass with him.

Now that is the joke I think of whenever I see those bears.

Satyavati, never been to Bane's I see.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Satyavati devi dasi said...

dszmdobqWhoooo's Bane?

1:16 PM  

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