small brush shouldn't fuck with big timber

Death's Door, the view from the Spanish announcers table: pitch posers?

Sunday, July 10

pitch posers?

look at me look at me looook at meeeeeeeeee

drinking on the company
kickass band rocking out on
ignoring the band cause we're too cool for
sharing mouthhugs.....priceless

Friday after work I was at the Hurricane hanging out and whilst there a bunch of folks from the “Pitch Weekly” started showing up for one of their after work parties. For those of you not hip the Pitch is part of “New Times” which since the seventies has grown to become the largest group of metropolitan newsweeklies in the U.S. Most every city has some sort of weekly news rag that works the local music and news scene and the Pitch is ours. Well anyway, the Cowtown Playboys were up on the stage working theirs asses off playing the rockabilly and I’m sitting in the back on the couch drinking some ice coffee and digging on the band.

And I just couldn’t help but notice that during the few hours the band played the Pitch crew did an exceptional if not outstanding job of keeping their backs turned to the band the whole time. No applause, no acknowledgements that the band was even there, the way these people acted the fuckin jukebox could’a been playing. Not much else I can add to that except for what a poor example of local support from what’s supposed to be one of the main rags supporting the local scene. Bullshit little posers.

"and the monkey flipped the switch"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, Greg -- that was apparently a group of our sales folks who had gone to the 'Cane for a happy hour to blow off some steam after a typically fatiguing day of chasing down new advertisers. Now, I've been to enough happy hours myself to know that live music isn't always the center of one's attention.

However, I'm glad to hear that YOU were able to radiate so much love to the 'Mates from the couch at the back of the room, through the bar, up the stairs and across what was no doubt a crowded upper stage area. That's some heavy duty support, my blogging friend.


Tony O.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Greg Beck said...

Well yeah, since the only people applauding for the band were me and what looked to be a couple of old band moms sitting on the couch. And that was after I moved to the couch from the bar after the first set. I ain’t baggin on the Pitch Tony, I just thought it was a tad rude, my editing friend.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh, may I bag on the pitch? and after-work drunks? and the hurricane?

the spousal-equivalent and I arrived just in time to hear the playboys do their last three or four songs, and rest assured, the one and only person besides the soundman with their feet on the upper stage area was obviously a girlfriend of a band member.

oh, and tony, journalistic integrity is everything.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Greg Beck said...


12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy the Fetus is hopping mad that you'd question the Pitch's integrity.

I hope I can get him to calm down.

Tony O.

9:49 AM  

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